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计算机专业英语教程(第2版) 内容简介



计算机专业英语教程(第2版) 目录

Chapter 1 Computer Fundamenta Is

1.1 Four Kinds ofCompmers

1.1.1 Reading Material

1.1.2 正文参考译文

1.1.3 阅读材料参考译文

1.2 Computer Hardware

1.2.1 Reading Material

1.2.2 正文参考译文

1.2.3 阅读材料参考译文

1.3 System Software

1.3.1 Reading Material

1.3.2 正文参考译文

1.3.3 阅读材料参考译文

1.4 Application Software

1.4.1 Reading Material

1.4.2 正文参考译文

1.4.3 阅读材料参考译文

Chapter 2 Computer Network

2.1 Introduction to Computer Network

2.1.1 Reading Material

2.1.2 正文参考译文

2.1.3 阅读材料参考译文

2.2 Data Communications Channels

2.2.1 Reading Material

2.2.2 正文参考译文

2.2.3 阅读材料参考译文

2.3 Main Factors Affecting Data Transmission

2.3.1 Reading Material

2.3.2 正文参考译文

2.3.3 阅读材料参考译文

2.4 Network Architecture

2.4.1 Reading Material

2.4.2 正文参考译文

2.4.3 阅读材料参考译文

Chapter 3 Internet AppI ications

3.1 Browsers and E-mails

3.1.1 Reading Material

3.1.2 正文参考译文

3.1.3 阅读材料参考译文

3.2 Search Tools

3.2.1 Reading Material

3.2.2 正文参考译文

3.2.3 阅读材料参考译文

3.3 Definitions and Coment of the Electronic Commerce

3.3.1 Reading Material

3.3.2 正文参考译文

3.3.3 阅读材料参考译文

3.4 Value Chains in E-commerce

3.4.1 Reading Material

3.4.2 正文参考译文

3.4.3 阅读材料参考译文

Chapter 4 Database Fundamenta Is

4.1 Introduction to DBMS

4.1.1 Reading Material

4.1.2 正文参考译文

4.1.3 阅读材料参考译文

4.2 Structure ofthe Relational Database Ⅰ

4.2.1 Reading Material

4.2.2 正文参考译文

4.2.3 阅读材料参考译文

4.3 Structure ofthe Relational Database Ⅱ

4.3.1 Reading Material

4.3.2 正文参考译文

4.3.3 阅读材料参考译文

4.4 Structured Query Language

4.4.1 Reading Material

4.4.2 正文参考译文

4.4.3 阅读材料参考译文

Chapter 5 Programming Language

5.1 Algorithms and Flowcharts

5.1.1 Reading Material

5.1.2 正文参考译文

5.1.3 阅读材料参考译文

5.2 Introduction ofProgramming Languages

5.2.1 Reading Material

5.2.2 正文参考译文

5.2.3 阅读材料参考译文

5.3 Object-Oriented Programming

5.3.1 Reading Material

5.3.2 正文参考译文

5.3.3 阅读材料参考译文

5.4 Program Debugging and Program Maintenance

5.4.1 Reading Material

5.4.2 正文参考译文

5.4.3 阅读材料参考译文

Chapter 6 Informat i on Security

6.1 Concept ofInformation Security

6.1.1 Reading Material

6.1.2 正文参考译文

6.1.3 阅读材料参考译文

6.2 Computer Viruses

6.2.1 Reading Material

6.2.2 正文参考译文

6.2.3 阅读材料参考译文

6.3 Internet Security

6.3.1 Reading Material

6.3.2 正文参考译文

6.3.3 阅读材料参考译文

6.4 Secure Networks and Policies

6.4.1 Reading Material

6.4.2 正文参考译文

6.4.3 阅读材料参考译文

Chapter 7 Image Processing

7.1 Concepts ofGraphic and Image

7.1.1 Reading Material

7.1.2 正文参考译文

7.1.3 阅读材料参考译文

7.2 Introduction to Digital Image Processing

7.2.1 Reading Material

7.2.2 正文参考译文

7.2.3 阅读材料参考译文

7.3 Image Compression

7.3.1 Reading Material

7.3.2 正文参考译文

7.3.3 阅读材料参考译文

7.4 Application of Digital Image Processing

7.4.1 Reading Material

7.4.2 正文参考译文

7.4.3 阅读材料参考译文

Chapter 8 Embedded Systems

8.1 Come to Study Embedded Syaems

8.1.1 Reading Material

8.1.2 正文参考译文

8.1.3 阅读材料参考译文

8.2 Characteristics ofEmbedded Systems

8.2.1 Reading Material

8.2.2 正文参考译文

8.2.3 阅读材料参考译文

8.3 System-level Requirements

8.3.1 Reading Material

8.3.2 正文参考译文

8.3.3 阅读材料参考译文

8.4 Application of Embedded System

8.4.1 Reading Material

8.4.2 正文参考译文

8.4.3 阅读材料参考译文



计算机专业英语教程(第2版) 精彩文摘

An ER diagram showing various aspects of the movie rental example is shown in Figure 4.1.Specific shapes are used in ER diagrams to differentiate among the various parts of the database.Types of records (which can also be thought of as classes for the database objects) are shown inrectangles. Fields (or attributes) of those records are shown in attached ovals. Relationships areshown in diamonds. The position of the various elements of an ER diagram is not particularly important, thoughif some thought is given to it they are easier to read. Note that a relationship such as Rents canhave its own associated attributes. Also note that the relationship connectors are labeled, one side with a 1 and the other sidewith an M. These designations show the cardinality constraint of the relationship. A cardinalityconstraint puts restrictions on the number of relationships that may exist at one time.






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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

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