
图书网 2020年10月11日20:13:02122.6K1

语言与社会 作者:陈建平

语言与社会 出版社:高等教育出版社

语言与社会 内容简介


语言与社会 目录

Unit 1 Language, Culture and Society-An Introduction to the Course

Understanding Language as Communication

The Study of Language and Society

The Study of Language and Culture

The Structure of This Course

Unit 2 Language and Dialect

Understanding Language and Dialect

The Complexity of Language vs. Dialect

Intelligibility vs. Political Boundaries

The Standard Dialect

The Structural vs. tile Functional Views

Case Analysis: Dialectal Differences in Chinese

Unit 3 Language and Nation

Understanding Language and Nation

The National Language

National vs. Official Languages

Official vs. Working Languages

Case Analysis: Language and Political Conflicts in the European Union

Unit 4 Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Understanding Monolingualism vs. Bilingualism

Prejudices Against Bilingualism and Language Diversity

Positive Attitudes Favoring Linguistic Diversity

Academic Models of Bilingualism

Case Analysis: Discussing the Trilingual Situation in Hong Kong

Unit 5 World Englishes

Understanding the Main Varieties of English

British English

American English

Second Language Varieties of English

Models of International English

Case Analysis: Is There a Variety of Chinese English?

Unit 6 Language and Social Variation

Understanding Language and Variation

Language Variation and Social Attitude

Language and Social Stratification

Language and Ethnicity

Language and Identity

Case Analysis: Language and Social Changes in China

Unit 7 Language and Gender

Understanding Gender Differences in Language Use

The Sociolinguistic Studies of Gender Pattern

The Dominance Approach

The Difference/Dual-culture Approach

Alternative Strategies for Language Use in the US

Case Analysis: Dangerous English

Unit 8 Language Style and Register

Understanding Stylistic Variations of Language

Language and Stylistic Variation

Language and Occupation

Halliday's Theory of Register

Case Analysis: The Language of Science and Language of Economics

Unit 9 Speech Acts

Understanding the Concept of Speech Act


Unit 10 Language and Politeness

Unit 11 Language and Cultural Thought Patterns

Unit 12 Language and Cultural Contexts

Unit 13 Culture and Discourse Patterns

Unit 14 Learning Language as Communication

Suggested Readings for the Course






说文解字(详解 全彩版)pdf

说文解字 作者: 许慎 说文解字 出版社: 中国华侨出版社 说文解字内容简介 《说文解字》是我国第一部按照偏旁部首编排的字典,作者是东汉著名学者许慎,他根据文字的形体,创立五百四十个部首,将九千三百五...


常用字词辨误手册 作者:李行健 常用字词辨误手册 出版社:人民出版社 常用字词辨误手册 内容简介 本书是一本主要为规范使用祖国语言文字编写的普及性读物和工具书。书中讨论的误写误用的事例,均来自现实语文...


《左传》省略句考察及其语用学分析 作者:李旭,田启涛,罗舒 《左传》省略句考察及其语用学分析 出版社:四川大学出版社 《左传》省略句考察及其语用学分析 内容简介 《《左传》省略句考察及其语用学分析》以...



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:

评论:12   其中:访客  12   博主  0
    • 努力学习的WZ
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      挺好的,不错,用来学 语言与社会,很好的专业书

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        • 你好
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          • 你好
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              • luling
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                  很好的书 对社会语言学学习有帮助

                  • Freeze
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                    好的,不错,用来学 语言与社会,很好的专业书

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