Love for Imperfect Things epub

图书网 2020年4月19日23:27:00

Love for Imperfect Things 作者:Haemin Sunim

Love for Imperfect Things 出版社:Penguin UK

Love for Imperfect Things 精彩文摘

WERE YOU ONE OF THOSE CHILDREN who were praised for being “good”? Did you then try hard to be good by always agreeing with parents, teachers, or older relatives? Even if sometimes it was hard, you learned not to complain and bore it quietly? And now that you’re an adult, do you still feel a responsibility to please other people? Do you constantly make an effort not to disturb or be a burden on others? But when there’s someone who makes things difficult for you, you try just to ignore it or put up with it,because it is not in your nature to do or say something that can potentially hurt someone or make someone feel uncomfortable?

I HAVE MET MANY GOOD people who suffer from depression, panic attacks, and other emotional disorders due to difficult human relationships. Such people tend to be gentle, well mannered, and solicitous of others. They are the kind of self-sacrificing person who will habitually put other people’s wishes before their own. Why, I wondered, do such good people often fall victim to mental and emotional suffering?

图书网:Love for Imperfect Things epub






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