A Classical Introduction to Cryptography Exercise Book pdf

图书网 2018年6月25日10:00:26

A Classical Introduction to Cryptography Exercise Book Wonderful Digest

As a companion book of Vaudenay's A Classical Introduction to Cryp-tography, this exercise book contains a carefully revised version of most of the material used in teaching by the authors or given as examinations to the undergraduate students of the Cryptography and Security lecture
at EPFL from 2000 to mid-2005. It covers a majority of the subjects that make up today's cryptology, such as symmetric or public-key cryptogra-phy, cryptographic protocols, design, cryptanalysis, and implementation of cryptosystems.

Exercises do not require a large background in mathematics, since the most important notions are introduced and discussed in many of the exercises. We expect the readers to be comfortable with basic facts of discrete probability theory, discrete mathematics, calculus, algebra, as well as computer science. Following A Classical Introduction to Cryp-tography, exercises related to the more advanced parts of the textbook are marked with a star.

The difficulty of the exercises covers a broad spectrum. In some the student is expected to simply apply basic facts, while in others more in-tuition and reflexion will be necessary to find the solution. Nevertheless,the solutions accompanying the exercises have been written as clearly as
possible. Some exercises are clearly research-oriented, like for instance the ones dedicated to decorrelation theory or to very recent results in the field of hash functions. The idea was to give to our readers a taste of this exciting research world.

图书网:A Classical Introduction to Cryptography Exercise Book pdf






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